Abstract :
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When reading becomes a human do activities every day, such as reading the newspaper and read a magazine and read the message and so on. When a foreign language into basic reading comprehension, not just reading a simple activity, but the process mechanism or other things that can either be in the read, read has opened up intellectual insight enters us on individual personalities.
The outline of the research problems are:1. How teaching and learning using the Method Qiraati in Maharah Qiraati in Madrasah Tsanawiyah State of Turen Malang? 2. What are the problems and solutions on study of the Maharah Qiraah by using method Qiraati in Madrasah Tsnawiyah State Turen Malang?
This study had two purposes: 1. To know the process of teaching and learning using the Method Qiraati in Maharah Qiraati in Madrasah Tsanawiyah State Turen Malang 2. What problems and solutions on study Maharah Qiraah by using method Qiraati in Madrasah Tsanawiyah State Turen Malang.
The methods used in this study is the method description and use qualitative approaches to data collection by observation, interview, test basic (only to find out the results) and documentation.
As for the results of the research are: Qiraah Maharah Learning that applying Madrasah Tsanawiyah State Turen, the process of teaching and learning using the curriculum of 2013, this research was conducted as many as three times in class seven-A core activity that students Observe: Qiraah by text reading listening Method Qiraati and observing the contents of the text content qiraah. Ask yourself: asking the meaning of the word (mufrodat) just in text, inquire about the contents of the text content, asking both the linguistic elements contained in the text. Exploration: discuss the contents of the content of the text, identifying the nature of the commendable. Asosiation: make a conclusion. Communicate: present and deliver the results that have been given meteri. As for the problems and solutions learning maharah qiraah by using method qiraati IE: some students do not have the book package and solution of teachers lend the book to the library, students read Arabic texts and did not like the lessons
Ketika membaca menjadi aktifitas yang di lakukan manusia setiap hari, seperti membaca koran dan membaca majalah dan membaca pesan dan sebagainya. Ketika bahasa asing menjadi dasar pemahaman membaca, tidak hanya membaca aktivitas sederhana saja, namun proses mekanisme atau hal lain yang baik dapat di baca, membaca telah membuka wawasan intelektual yang memasuki kita pada kepribadian individu.
Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah :1. Bagaimana proses belajar mengajar Maharah Qiraah dengan menggunakan Metode Qiraati di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Malang? 2. Apa permasalahan dan solusi yang terdapat pada pembelajara Maharah Qiraah dengan