Abstract :
Supervisi Akademik merupakan upaya membantu guru secara profesional untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya dalam pencapaian mutu pembelajaran. Ketepatan rancangan dan model supervisi yang dikembangkan supervisor dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembinaan dan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menemukan:(1) konsep perencanaan supervisi akademik dalam pengembangan kompetensi guru; (2) model supervisi akademik dalam pengembangan kompetensi guru; (3) implikasi supervisi akademik dalam pengembangan kompetensi guru di MTsN Kunir, MTs Darul Huda, dan MTs Wahid Hasyim Kabupaten Blitar.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, jenis studi kasus dengan rancangan multisitus. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan mulai penyajian data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan meliputi analisis data situs tunggal dilanjutkan lintas situs. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan: kredibilitas, transferabilitas,dependibilitas, konfirmabilitas.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) konsep perencanaan menerapkan sistemik berbasis isolated competence and countinousimprovement. Pendekatan semi ilmiah, humanis dan spiritualis. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan:(a) input: need and problem analysis, objectives; (b) process: penyusunan program, implementasi dan monev program; (c) product: laporan hasil peningkatan kompetensi guru; (d) Outcome: peningkatan kinerja guru; (e) feedback: refleksi akademik dan spiritualisasi.(2) Model menerapkan saintifikdan kooperatif kolegial. Nilai kerja profesional adalah ibadah, motivasi kerja aktualisasi diri. Pendekatan supervisi akademik kolaboratif dan spiritual. (3) Implikasi supervisi akademik dalam pengembangan kompetensi guru meliputi: faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal, yaitu motivasi diri berdasarkan nilai kerja profesional dan ibadah. Faktor eksternal: pertama, pengawas, yaitu sistem perencanaan dan pembinaan menjadi menjadi lebih baik, sistem penilaian terjadi peningkatan.Kedua, guru, yaitu (a) kompetensi pedagogik meningkat meliputi disiplin tugas, memperbaiki situasi pembelajaran, namun belum berimplikasi secara komprehensif. (b) Kompetensi sosial meliputi komunikasi efektif, harmonis, suasana kelas kondusif. (c)Kompetensi kepribadian meliputikomitmen terhadap tugas, tanggungjawab tinggi, semangat, percaya diri, loyalitas. (d) Kompetensi profesional meliputi membangkitkan semangat belajar, motivasi berprestasi, dan mempertinggi rasa tanggungjawab terhadap tugas.
Temuan formal penelitian ini adalah model supevisi akademik kolaboratif berbasis spiritual by GROWMERS (Goal, reality, option, what?s next, monitoring, evaluation, reflection, spiritual).
Academic Supervision is meant to professionally help the teacher in the development of teacher competence for the accomplishment of quality of instruction. Design accuracy and model of supervision established by the supervisor are able to improve the quality of instruction and educational quality. The study aims to analyze and find out: (1) the planning concept of academic supervision for the development of teacher competence; (2) the model of academic supervision for the development of teacher competence; (3) the implication of academic supervision on teacher competence in the State Islamic Junior High School of Kunir, the Islamic Junior High School Darul Huda, and the Islamic Junior High School Wahid Hasyim.
This case study applies qualitative approach and multi-site study design. Data collecting technique applies indepth interview, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis ranging from data presentation, data reduction to conclusion making consists of single-site data analysis and is followed by cross-site data analysis. Examining the data authenticity requires credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability.
The finding indicates that: (1) the planning concept applied by the schools was isolated competence-based system, but they did continuous improvement. The study applies semi-scientific, humanism and spiritualism approach. The principle is based on national education standard. Steps taken in the study are: (a) input: need and problem analysis, objectives; (b) process: program arrangement, implementation, and monev program; (c) product: a report on the improvement of teacher competence; (d) outcome: the improvement of teacher performance; (e) feedback: the reflection of academic and spiritualism. (2) The study applies scientific, cooperative and collegial model. The value of professionalism is a pray, and the job motivation is self-actualization. Academic supervision approach is collaborative and spiritualism. (3) The implication of academic supervision for the development of teacher competence is, at the first place, self motivation based on the value professionalism and pray (internal). And the second implication becomes an external impact: (a) pedagog