SIKAP PELAJAR SMU SURABAYA TERHADAP PEMBERITAAN “ VIDEO PORNO ARIEL LUNA MAYA DAN CUT TARI” (Studi Deskriptif Sikap Pelajar SMU Surabaya Terhadap Pemberitaan Video Porno Ariel Luna Maya dan Cut Tari di Surat Kabar Jawa Pos)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
P87 Communication. Mass Media 
2011-03-11 02:06:18 
Abstract :
KRISNA STEVERIANO, BEHAVIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SURABAYA THAT NEWSGIVING? VIDEO PORN ARIEL LUNA MAYA AND CUT TARI?(Study Deskriptif Behavior high school student Surabaya that news giving Video Porn Ariel Luna Maya dan Cut Tari on Jawa Pos neswpaper) This reseach meaning to know how far Behavior high school student Surabaya that news giving Video Porn Ariel Luna Maya and Cut Tari on Jawa Pos neswpaper. Theory for use is, theory behafior, meaning of news giving and theory S-O-R (stimulus organism respon) stimulus is message abought news ?Video Porn Ariel Luna Maya and Cut Tari on Jawa Pos neswpaper. Organism is recyver message and respon is behafior high school student Surabaya. reseach metode for use is metode survey and analys type deskriptif. To know about behafihour, iam use to measure off total score about the all answer off all responden about news giving ?video Porn Ariel Luna Maya and Cut Tari on Jawa Pos newspaper?. teqniuqe colleting source about this research is questioner from population high school student Surabaya. And choose 100 people and sample gets from metode multistage cluster sampling with metode analys source make distribusy frequensi. Product of this research show is that behavior high school, student Surabaya to news giving ?video Porno ariel Luna Maya and Cut Tari? on jawa pos newspaper, in kognitif aspek is positive, in afektif aspek is netral, and in konatif aspek is netral The result of this research is show us that behavior of high school student Surabaya to news giving ?video Porno Ariel Luna Maya and Cut Tari? on Jawa pos newspaper is netral. That is, high school student not influence news giving ?Video Porno ariel Luna Maya and Cut tari? on jawa pos newspaper. In meaninf of netral on this is that high school student surabaya doesnt change his behavior not yet, they doesn?t concern about that news. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur