The Use of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Technique to Improve Students’ Participation and Reading Comprehension (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013)
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Setiabudi, Aris
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-03-13 07:04:22 
Abstract :
Reading comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during, and after a person reads a particular piece of writing. However, many students get difficulties in reading comprehension. The teacher should use appropriate teaching technique to teach reading for the students. The teaching technique is one of the important things in teaching reading class. STAD is one of teaching techniques that can be used in teaching reading class. In STAD, all students work in group; meanwhile they are discussing in group not all students share and give their good participation in the team. This makes their participation to solve the problem during group-work is low. Understanding the fact, this research is based on students’ low in participation and low in comprehending the text. The objectives of the research are to describe students’ participation and reading comprehension after taught by using STAD technique, and to find out whether of STAD technique can improve students’ participation and reading comprehension. The design of this research is classroom action research. It is done in XI IPA1 students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in the first semester in academic year 2012/2013. Total of students are 25. There were 8 males and 17 females. He implemented STAD technique within in three activities which all activities included of preliminary research (pre-cycle), cycle I, and cycle II. The instruments were achievement test in reading comprehension after taught by using STAD technique, while the observation sheet for the teacher’s and students’ activities and at knowing the participation of the students in the team. In pre-cycle students are taught without using STAD, 22 students could not reach KKM (≥ 71), only 3 students reach KKM. In cycle I, students are taught by using STAD, total students who could not reach KKM (≥ 71) are 6, and 19 students reach KKM. In cycle II, by implementing STAD with different activities, the result increases. Total of 25 students in the class could reach KKM (≥ 71). In cycle I, students’ participation is 55.75%; it can be categorized low; students do not discuss well, less during group-work. In cycle II, students’ participation is 81%, it can be categorized excellent. All students could discuss well, and they enjoy solving the problem together during group-work. This makes their participation in group maximum. The result of this research shows that STAD technique can improve the students’ participation and reading comprehension. Therefore, the English teacher can apply STAD as an alternative technique in teaching process in order to help students improve their participation during group work and their reading comprehension.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus