The Reading Comprehension of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Islam Al-Hikmah Mayong Jepara Taught by Using Guided Note Taking technique in Academic Year 2012/2013
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Fathiyyah, Siti
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-03-22 02:08:29 
Abstract :
Reading is one of English skills that should be mastered by the students. By reading they get a lot of information that can enhance their knowledge. In SMA Islam Al-Hikmah Mayong Jepara, most of the students feel difficult to understand the meaning of the text. It is caused by the lack of vocabulary and still depends on the teacher in teaching learning process. They feel difficult to share their idea about the material that is learned. This condition encourages the writer to apply a technique in reading skill. The technique which can be used in improving reading comprehension is Guided Note Taking. It is a technique that uses an incomplete handout and has purpose to students in order to pay attention the explanation from teacher with completing handout. This research has a purpose to find out the answer from the statement of the problem, is there any significant difference between the achievement in reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA Islam Al-Hikmah Mayong Jepara before and after being taught by using Guided Note Taking. This is a quantitative research, which relies on quantitative data based on computation and measurement, operational variables and statistics. The method of the research is experiment. This design of the study is the quasy experimental method with pretest and posttest. There is a tryout before the test, and then it is continued by validity and reliability test. The data are taken from the objective multiple choice tests. The total population is 127 students of the tenth grade. This research applied a cluster random sampling technique to get samples. The total sample is 32 students from the same class, X.3 class. After the students are given pretest, they are given a treatment for six meeting. The giving of the treatment relies on the material that taken from the syllabus of the school. Then the data is analyzed using the t-test method to find out whether there is significant difference between the achievement in reading comprehension before and after being taught by using Guided Note Taking. The research result, the mean of pretest is 59.34 and the mean of posttest is 88.37. There is 20.03% improvement difference in the group between before and after being taught by using Guided Note Taking. Besides, it can also be concluded that the t(obtained) value 5.77 in the level of significance 5% and the degree of freedom 31, the t(critacal) is 2.04, So, the t(obtained) value is 5.77 falls in critical region. Thus, Ho is refused and accept the H1. So, the hypothesis that states, there is a significant different between the reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMA Islam Al – Hikmah in academic year 2011/2012 before and after taught by using Guided Note Taking technique is accepted. Because the use of Guided Note Taking in teaching reading comprehension shows good result, the English teacher of senior high school should be more creative and innovative in selecting the suitable methods and media in teaching learning process, Guided Note Taking can be use as alternative technique to tech reading comprehension. In fact, Guided Note Taking can improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. Besides, the students should be more active during teaching learning process.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus