Teachers’ personal variations in teaching english in sma n 1 juwana pati in academic year 2018/2019
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Pendidikan (Umum) 
2019-07-29 02:45:23 
Abstract :
Teachers are one of the main roles in teaching and learning process. Teacher’s role determines the success of learning process. However, when teachers teach English lesson, sometimes the students feel bored and not interested. So, the teachers need to use variation in teaching English to gain students’ attentions. This final project is a study to analyze the teachers’ personal variation in teaching English. The aims of this research are (1) to find out the components of teachers’ personal variations in teaching English in SMA N 1 Juwana Pati and (2) to explain the teachers’ personal variations used in teaching English in SMA N 1 Juwana Pati. This research is a qualitative research. The design of the research is Descriptive Qualitative design. The data source is English teachers in SMA N 1 Juwana Pati. The instrument in this research is observation. The result of this research shows that (1) The component of Teachers’ Personal Variation in Teaching English at SMA N 1 Juwana Pati are voice variation (pitch, volume, and speech), gesture (facial expression and body movement), focusing (verbal and non verbal), eye contact, movement, and pausing. The three English teachers have already applied all components. But, teacher 2 didn’t use voice variation maximally, she varied her voice in pitch and speed. (2) In applying the personal variations, the three English teachers have their own personal variation. But the way to show their personal variations was similar to each other. Teacher 1, teacher 2, and teacher 3 had voice variation, for example teacher 1 and teacher 3 varied in pitch, volume, and speed but teacher 2 didn’t vary in volume. Variation in gesture, they were using facial expression and body movement. For example they smiled, laughed while the students can answer the question, and teacher 1 and teacher 3 were underlining or circling the word. To make the students focus on lesson, they were using verbal and nonverbal, and also using eye contact. And look around the students while explain the material. The teachers take different position while teaching and sometime walk closer to the students. And they take a break to give time the students to discussion or to doing the exercise. They also slightly pause the talk to check the students’ understanding. There are few suggestions for the teachers and other researchers. The teachers should be applying personal variation maximally to make their students interested in studying and learning English, enjoying and joining the class enthusiastically. And for other researchers, it can be one of references to conduct the other research on teachers’ personal variation. 
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Universitas Muria Kudus