Teachers Talk and Students Talk in Advance Grammar Class of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University of the Third Semester Students in 2011
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Pamungkas, Rosatia Putri
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-05-07 08:09:47 
Abstract :
Communication is used in classroom interaction. Teacher’s talk and students’ talk are the talks that hold vital role in it. This talks includes in discourse genre. Classroom interaction has typical. It is rank structure that consists of lesson, transaction, exchange, move, and act. To analysing teacher’s talk and students’ talk only focus to move structure that divides into three parts such as; initiation, respond, and feedback of Teachers Talk and Students Talk in Advance Grammar Class of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University of the Third Semester Students in 2011. This research has some objectives such as; to find out the teachers’-students’ move type in teachers’-students’ talk in advance grammar class of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University of the Third Semester Students and describe the percentages’ distribution between them. Discourse analysis and descriptive qualitative are used to research design where support the objectives. Where, teacher’s and students’ move type in teacher’s and students’ talk is the data. While the transcribing is used as data source. According to data analysis, the moves of Teachers Talk and Students Talk in Advance Grammar Class of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University of the Third Semester Students in 2011 in two meetings are  37,84% of initiations,  4,50% of responds and  13,085% of feedbacks in Teachers Talks and  6,115% initiations,  37,08% of responds and  1,38% of feedback in students talks. In the last for the suggestions; students must be ready to join in advance grammar class that needs more less 3 hours teaching process, for teacher, he is able to vary the technique of teaching and learning. It is because, the class has 4 credit systems and it is long time enough to occur communication. And for the next researcher, they should reinforce the knowledge of the teacher about teacher’s and students’ move types in teacher’s talk and students’ talk in teaching and learning process. It is hoped that they are able to develop the move types in classroom interaction.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus