The Analysis of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Year 2011
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Nada, Nur Izzatin
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-05-07 08:27:12 
Abstract :
Abstract is one of part in final project consists of background until conclusion. It is covers all of information of it. The information can be packaged more tightly and condensed information. By analyzing nominal group in the abstract of qualitative and quantitative research it can increase ability of learners in mastering nominal group and the result of the research can be used as reference to help the students in having a good ability in written discourse. The objectives of this research are to find out the elements and the patterns of nominal group structure found in the abstract of qualitative and quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011 and to describe the differences and similarities between the abstract of qualitative and quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011. The design of the research is the descriptive qualitative. The data of this research is nominal group whereas the data sources of this research are the abstract of qualitative research and the abstract of quantitative research. The result of the research shows that the elements and the patterns of nominal group are: D+T, D+T+Q, C+T, D+C+T, N+T, T+Q, E+T, D+E+T, D+PD+T, D+N+T, PD+T, N+T+Q, Pre C+T, N+C+T, Pre N+T, Pre N+C+T+Q, C+T+Q, E+C+T, D+C+T+Q, D+N+T+Q, D+PD+T+Q, D+E+T+Q, N+C+T+Q, D+PD+C+T, PD+E+T, Pre N+T+Q, N+E+T, D+N+C+T+Q, PD+C+T, PD+T+Q, D+N+E+T, D+E+C+T and D+N+C+T. The differences are the total number of nominal group and kind of each pattern. And the similarity between the abstract of qualitative and the abstract of quantitative research is the biggest percentage is the pattern of D+T (Deictic – Thing) found in both of abstract. Abstract of qualitative research has 27,68% and abstract of quantitative research has 31,16% . Due to the fact that nominal group is needed in written discourse. I give suggestions. Students should use nominal group to make the abstracts of qualitative or quantitative research. They can be used the elements of nominal group depend on their requirement.The English Lecturers can use as an example when they teach about nominal group in the written text. So, the students understand when they analyses nominal group in the text and the implementation of nominal group in the text. The next researchers should continue and develop this research in a deeper analysis by making a comparison study of nominal group that occur in the written text.  
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