Contrastive Analysis of Verbs In Arabic and English Surah Yaa:Siin
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Noor, Ulin Naufalin
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-05-08 06:56:48 
Abstract :
Language is used to communicate, to give information and to interact to the others. Language brings people in the world to be communicative. It helps people to communicate to their environment. As we know that people have different languages to speak in their society. For example: Egyptian, Pakistani and Arabian etc most of them use Arabic Language. On the other hand, people in western countries use English Language. In fact, people use these languages in the world. As we know that English language is very important to people who want to speak from another countries. And also English is included official language that is used in many countries in the world and it is also recognized as the international language. And Arabic is language of holy Al Qur’an, that most important in Arabic which familiar for us is each Moslem read holy Al Qur’an uses Arabic. And also Arabic is also studied in Indonesia; we can see fact that so many Islamic schools which teach Arabic in Indonesia. This research aims at describing the similarities and the differences of Arabic and English Verbs in Surah Yaa: Siin. In this research I use the contrastive analysis qualitative research method. The data of this research are verb or fi’il and the data source of this research is taken the translation of Surah Yaa:Siin from Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali. Based on the analyzing data, I found the similarities and the differences Verbs in Surah Yaa:Siin. The similarities in Arabic and English verbs based on object are both of the languages need an object (transitive verb/ ﻔﻌﻝﻤﺗﻌﺩﻱ). In English have (S+V+O) and also in Arabic have (ï»’+ﻔﺍ+ﻤﻑ). Moreover, both of languages have (intransitive verb/ﻔﻌﻝﻻﺰﻢ). The similarities verbs based on time in Arabic and English have (past form/ﻔﻌﻝﻤﺍﺿﻲ, present form/ﻔﻌﻝﻤﻀﺍﺮﻉ and imperative/ﻔﻌﻝﺍﻤﺮ), actually both of the languages have same meaning. And I also found the differences both of languages; in English have auxiliary verb but in Arabic have not auxiliary verb. In addition the pronoun in Arabic can be omitted but in English the pronoun cannot be omitted. In English if explain in the past, not only use past tense but also use present perfect tense, past perfect tense etc. On the other hand, in Arabic if explain in the past only use ﻔﻌﻝﻤﺍﺿﻲ). And in Arabic always change follows their pronouns which are used as their subject. Verb in English do not always change follow their pronoun. Every translator must pay attention some factor likes knowledge, sense of meaning and mastering source language which want to be translated. In addition, the translator must be careful when they want to translate.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus