The Analysis of Lexical Cohesion in ‘Time’ Magazine Articles: 17th October 2011 Edition and ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ Magazine Articles: October 2011 Edition
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Sari, , Ike RestiZuliana
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-05-08 07:41:59 
Abstract :
Magazine is one of printed media that contains much information. It consists of many articles in various topics. To get the message of the article, the readers have to understand the text. The usage of vocabulary in the text influences the readers’ understanding of the text. That’s why lexical cohesion is needed. The lexical cohesion can be identified through the types of lexical cohesion. The types of lexical cohesion are repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, meronymy and collocation. I choose to analyze the articles of topic ‘Books’, ‘Food’ and ‘Profile’ in ‘Time’ and ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine because they are appropriate to support the analysis of this research. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of lexical cohesion in ‘Time’ and ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine articles, the similarities and the differences of the types of lexical cohesion in both magazines. To obtain the objectives of the research, the descriptive qualitative and discourse analysis are used to design this research. Whereas, the data of this research is the lexical cohesion in ‘Time’ and ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine articles, and the data source of this research are the articles of topic ‘Books’, ‘Food’ and ‘Profile’ in both magazines. Based on the data analysis, the percentage of lexical cohesion types in ‘Time’ magazine articles is repetition 75%, synonymy 8%, hyponymy 6%, meronymy 6% and collocation 5%. Then the percentage of lexical cohesion types in ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine articles is repetition 76.3%, hyponymy 13.2%, meronymy 4.1%, collocation 3.9% and synonymy 2.4%. The similarity of lexical cohesion types in ‘Time’ and ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine articles is repetition has the biggest percentage in both magazines. The difference is in ‘Time’ magazine, collocation has the smallest percentage of lexical cohesion types, while in ‘The Jakarta Post Weekender’ magazine, synonymy has the smallest percentageof lexical cohesion types. Therefore, I suggest thatthe writers of magazine articles should apply lexical cohesion types to make the text clear and easy to understand.The English learners should improve their mastery of vocabulary by employing lexical cohesion types. The teachers and the lecturers should give information about lexical cohesion types in order to make students know how important them in creating a good text.  
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