The Speaking Ability of Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Rohmatul Ummah Jekulo Kudus in Academic Year 2011/ 2012Taght by Using Speech Technique
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Musyafak,, Iseh.
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-06-29 04:25:18 
Abstract :
Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It is not like the other skills, is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words. The purpose of speaking is to deliver information, idea, concept, and opinion orally. Speaking is also one of four English skills that should be possessed by everybody. In fact, there are many people or students especially eleventh grade students of SMK Rohmatul Ummah Jekulo Kudus, they still get difficulty when they get speaking lesson. From the fact, teacher should have a technique that is able to facilitate and improve the students’ speaking ability. One of the techniques is speech technique. Speech is a speaking activity in front of the public or oration to deliver an idea, or giving detail for something. It means that in application, students compulsory to be able to deliver speech or idea to anybody else. It aims to get the students brave, especially the eleventh grade students of SMK Rohmatul Ummah Jekulo Kudus in delivering an idea and opinion that they deliver by speech. Besides, it is also to improve the students’ speaking ability. Design f this research is Classroom Action Research. This research is conducted at SMK Rohmatul Ummah Jekulo Kudus in academic year 2011/ 2012, especially the eleventh grade students of Rohmatul Ummah Jekulo Kudus. The number of students is 28 students consist of 15 gentlemen and 13 ladies. This research consists of three cycles and every cycle has instrument as follows: observation, test result, questioner. Besides, writer applies the research design in every cycle such as: planning, observing, analyzing, and reflecting. The result of this research shows that using speech technique in teaching speaking in English is effective to improve the students’ speaking ability. It can be seen from the increase the test result in every cycle and the teaching learning process in the classroom that is going better. The average score percentage of students’ speaking ability in cycle I is 53.14% and cycle II is 57.29%. Based on the data, it can be seen there is an improvement of students speaking ability average score percentage between cycle I and II around 4.15%. The average score percentage of students’ speaking ability in cycle III is 62.43%. The improvement of students speaking ability average score percentage between cycle II and III around 5.14%. While the improvement of students speaking ability average score percentage from cycle II up to cycle III around 9.29%. In every cycle is also seen the improvement of students activities and the decrease of teacher’s problem in the classroom during teaching learning by using speech technique. In cycle I there are many students not giving respond when the teacher gets them practice their speech. Eventhough there are some students giving good respond. While from the questioner, it shows most of activity is always felt difficult/ problem by teacher during the teaching learning process. Eventhough some other activities are seldom even never felt difficult. In cycle II, there are many students giving a good respond, even some of them still chat with friends. While from the questioner, it shows most of activity is seldom felt difficult/ problem by teacher. Few activities are always felt difficult. In cycle III, almost all students are active in teaching learning process even though few of them are silent. While from the questioner, it shows most of activity is never felt difficult by teacher. Few of the activity are seldom felt difficult and no activities are always felt difficult. The writer suggests to teachers able to use speech technique as one of alternative technique to teach English. In usage of this technique, it is suggested to choose an interesting and updated material. For the students, it is suggested more active in every activity during teaching learning process both in asking question and practice the speech. And last for further researcher, in usage of speech technique, they should pay attention the process in the class more. This technique is also available for tenth and twelve grade of Senior High School.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus