Clause Complexes Analysis in the Journal Article Written by Native Speaker and Non-Native Speaker. Skripsi : English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Charisma,, Yulia
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-07-09 03:35:06 
Abstract :
Charisma, Yulia. 2012. Clause Complexes Analysis in the Journal Article Written by Native Speaker and Non-Native Speaker. Skripsi : English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors : (1)Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd., (2) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd Key word: Clause, clause complex, Journal Article, Native and Non Native Speaker Clause complex is the Grammar’s way of showing “that” and “how” the process going together in a sequence that relates to each other. When we read an English article, we often get difficulties in understanding of how the information that is read going together in a sequence that related to each other so that theory of clause complex is used to make clear how the clauses are linked one another so it shows the relation between the clauses. I choose to analyze clause complex in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers because I assume that there are many clause complexes which can be analyzed. In order to give new information about clause complex and to give knowledge in understanding clause complex used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers, I am motivated to analyze the clause complex used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers in The Internet TESL Journal 2010. The purpose of this research is to find out the kinds of taxis and logico-semantic relation that are used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers, and to find out how the clause complex is used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers. The data and data source of this research is two journal articles written by native speakers and two journal articles written by non-native speakers that are downloaded from The Internet TESL Journal 2010. I used descriptive qualitative as the research design. Based on the analyzing the data, it was found that the kinds of taxis in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers are paratactic and hypotactic. In the first journal article written by native speaker, there are 40 paratactic clauses and 45 hypotactic clauses. While, in the second journal written by native speaker, there are 26 paratactic clauses and 35 hypotactic clauses. Whereas, in the first journal article written by non-native speaker there are 28 paratactic clauses and 35 hypotactic clauses. And the last, in the second journal written by non-native speaker there are 18 paratactic clauses and 44 hypotactic clauses. Meanwhile the kinds of Logico-semantic relation which are used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers are expansion and projection. Expansion can be classified into elaboration, extension and enhancement. Whereas projection can be classified into locution and idea. In the first journal article written by native speaker, there are 31 elaboration clauses, 32 extension clauses, 31 enhancement clauses, 1 locution clause and 7 idea clauses. Then, in the second journal article written by native speaker, there are 23 elaboration clauses, 23 extension clauses, 18 enhancement clauses and 6 idea clauses. Whereas, in the first journal article written by non-native speaker, there are 25 elaboration clauses, 21 extension clauses, 19 enhancement clauses, 1 locution clause and 8 idea clauses. And the last, in the second journal article written by non-native speaker, there are 32 elaboration clauses, 14 extension clauses, 18 enhancement clauses and 9 idea clauses. The way clause complex is used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers are “often” to be used because their percentages around 45%-72%. The result of the calculation is 72.03% for the first article written by native speaker, 70,11% for the second article written by native speaker, 66,32% for the first article written by non-native speaker and 68, 89% for the second article written by non-native speaker. From that journal articles, the journal article written by native speakers has higher percentage than the journal article written by non-native speakers. Therefore, I suggest that the reader can add their knowledge and get new information about theory of clause complex that is used in the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers. Moreover the English students can enrich their knowledge about clause complex through the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers. Meanwhile the lectures of English Education Department Teacher Training Faculty Muria Kudus University can give knowledge about clause complex clearly and easily to be comprehended by students through the journal article written by native speakers and non-native speakers that is already known that there are many clause complexes are used there. ABSTRAKSI Charisma, Yulia. 2012. Analisis Klausa Kompleks di Artikel Jurnal yang Ditulis oleh 
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