. The Use of Context Clues to Improve the Vocabulary Mastery of the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Marlindawati, , Kiki.
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-07-09 06:17:45 
Abstract :
Marlindawati, Kiki. 2013. The Use of Context Clues to Improve the Vocabulary Mastery of the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013.Skripsi.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Dra. Hj. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd. (2) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd. Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Context Clues English is one of the international languages which are used as a means of communication with each other people in the world. English becomes the foreign language which is taught from Elementary School to University. Vocabulary is very important component to be taught because by mastering vocabulary the students can learn language easily. But in fact, teaching English vocabulary in Junior High School, the writer found that most of the students got difficulty in mastering vocabulary. The teacher explained the material without giving the interesting strategy to support her teaching. This made the students got bored. So, the writer applied Context Clues in teaching English to improve the vocabulary mastery. The objectives of this research are (i) to know whether Context Clues can improve the vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students of MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. (ii) To know how the Context Clues can improve the vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students of MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. The writer conducted a classroom action in MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013, especially in VIII C. This research consisted of three cycles such as planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Each of cycles had the instrument such as observation, test, and questionnaire. The data of this research was taken from the result of observation sheet, achievement test and questionnaire of those three cycles conducted. In the result, the students’ vocabulary mastery improves from cycle I until cycle III. In cycle I, the average score of achievement test is 62.94 and the achievement category is sufficient. In cycle II, the average score of achievement test is 76.62 and the achievement category is good. The writer ends the action process in the cycle III because the students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle III improve from the students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle II that is the average score of achievement test is 76.62 becomes 85.15. It means the achievement category is excellent. Context Clues can improve the vocabulary mastery of the students, so it is suggested that the English teacher uses Context clues as the alternative teaching strategy in teaching English to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Thus, the writer suggests that a teacher should be creative, active, and always gives motivation to the students in order to create enjoyable learning in teaching English to improve the vocabulary mastery. ABSTRAK Marlindawati, Kiki. 2013. Penggunaan Context clues Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kosakata Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013.Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (1) Dra. Hj. Sri Endang Kusmaryati, M.Pd. (2) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd. Kata kunci: Penguasaan Kosakata dan Context clues. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa internasional yang digunakan sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi dengan berbagai orang di dunia. Bahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa asing yang diajarkan dari Sekolah Dasar sampai Universitas. Kosakata adalah komponen yang sangat penting untuk diajarkan karena dengan menguasai kosakata, siswa dapat belajar bahasa dengan mudah. Tetapi kenyataannya, mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, penulis menemukan bahwa sebagian besar murid mengalami kesulitan dalam menguasai kosakata. Guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran tanpa memberikan strategi yang menarik untuk mendukung pengajarannya. Ini membuat siswa mudah bosan. Jadi, penulis menerapkan Context Clues dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah (i) untuk mengetahui apakah Context Clues dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas VIII MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus di tahun ajaran 2012/2013. (ii) untuk mengetahui bagaimana Context Clues dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas VIII MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus di tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Penulis melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas di MTs Hasyim Asyari 2 Kudus di tahun ajaran 2012/2013, khususnya di VIII C. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga siklus yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Setiap siklus memiliki instrument seperti obsevasi, tes dan kuesioner. Data pada penelitian ini diambil dari hasil lembar pengamatan, tes prestasi dan kuesioner pada ketiga siklus yang dilaksanakan. Hasilnya, penguasaan kosakata siswa meningkat dari siklus I ke siklus II. Di siklus II, angka rata-rata  
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