Speech Function Analysis of Teacher-Student Interaction in an Immersion Class at Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute. Skripsi.English Education Department,
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Arina. , Azkiya
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-07-15 02:51:55 
Abstract :
ArinaAzkiya. 2013. Speech Function Analysis of Teacher-Student Interaction in an Immersion Class at Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute. Skripsi.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors (i) Fitri Budi Suryani, SS, M.Pd. (ii) AgungDwiNurcahyo, SS, M.Pd. Key words: Functional Grammar, Interpersonal Meaning, Mood, Speech Function. In interacting with one another, we enter into arrange of interpersonal relationships, choosing among semantic strategies such as cajoling, persuading, enticing, requesting, ordering, suggesting, asserting, insisting, doubting, and so on. The grammar provides us with the basic resource for expressing these speech functions, in the form of a highly generalized set of clause system referred to as Mood. This research is aimed to find out the mood types and speech functions found in an immersion class activity at Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute which was held on November 2011. Using systematic-Functional Grammar, it was analyzed through identification of clause Mood structures then being classified into four kinds of speech function; Statement, Question, Command and Offer. This is a qualitative research. The data source in this research is an audio recording of an immersion whereas clause becomes the data of analysis.To analyze data I did some steps. They are: (i) Recording the class, (ii) Transcribe the data source gotten, (iii) Analyzing Mood elements, (iv) Analyzing kinds of speech function, (v) Counting the percentages each Mood types and speech functions. The research finding shows that this analysis has found 701 clauses which had been categorized into Mood types that consist of 520 declarative clauses (74%), 46 polar interrogative clauses (7%), 42 Wh-Question clauses (6%), 93 imperative clauses (13%) and none of exclamative clause at all (0%).The same data analyzed also indicates kinds of speech function which are divided into four specifications. They are 520 statements (74%), 88 questions (13%) and 93 commands (13%), whereas there is no offer being used during teaching and learning process in the class (0%). The percentage demonstrates that three fourth of total clause appears as statement where it is proved that declaratives is dominant. Both teacher and student mostly shared information. Demanding information appeared in the form of question activity which is used as many as commanding to demand goods and service. There is no offer expressed by both who did interaction. By understanding this research, hopefully readers can improve attitude of interaction better by implementing the knowledge inside this research. ABSTRAKSI ArinaAzkiya. 2013. Speech Function Analysis of Teacher-Student Interaction in an Immersion Class at Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute. Skripsi.JurusanPendidikanBahasaInggris, FakultasKeguruandanIlmupendidikan, UniversitasMuria Kudus. DosenPembimbing (i) Fitri Budi Suryani, SS, M.Pd. (ii) AgungDwiNurcahyo, SS, M.Pd. Key words: Functional Grammar, Interpersonal Meaning, Mood, Speech Function. Dalamberinteraksi, kitaakanmemasukiranahhubunganantarperseorangan, memilihstrategihubungan kata sepertimembujuk, meminta, menyuruh, menasehati, menyatakan, menegaskan, meragukandan lain-lain. Grammar merupakansumberdasaruntukmengutarakantersebutdiatas yang dinamakan speech function, dalambentuk paling sederhanadanumumdigunakandalamsistemkalimat yang dirujuksebagaiistilahMood. Penelitianinibertujuangunamenemukantipe-tipe Mood dan speech function yang ditemukandalamsebuahaktifitaskelasimmersi di InstitutBahasadanBudaya Virginia Tech yang diadakanbulanNopember 2011.Dengansistemik-Functional Grammar, data aktifitaskelastersebutdiidentifikasiuntukkemudiandiklasifikasikanmenjadiempatmacam speech function; Pernyataan, Pertanyaan, PerintahdanTawaran. Jenispenelitianinitermasukkedalampenelitiankualitatif.Sumber data penelitianadalahrekaman audio sebuahkelasimmersidimanakalimatmenjadi data analisis.Sayamenggunakanbeberapalangkahdalammenganalis: (i) Merekamkelas, (ii) Mentranskribsumber data yang telahdidapat, (iii) Menganalisiselemen-elemen Mood, (iv) Menganalismacam-macam speech function, (v) Menghitungpersentasemasing-masingtipe Mood dan speech function. Penemuanpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwadari 701 kalimattelahdikategorikanmenjaditipe-tipe Mood yang terdiridari 520 deklaratif (74%), 46 polar interrogatif (7%), 42 Wh-Question (6%), 93 imperatif (13%) dantidakditemukanexclamatif(0%).Dengan data yang samamakaindikasi speech function dibagimenjadiempatmacamyakni 520 pernyataan (74%), 88 pertanyaan (13%) and 93 perintah (13%), dantidakditemukan offer yang digunakanselama proses belajarmengajar di kelas (0%). Persentasetersebutmenunjukkantiga per empatdarijumlahkeseluruhankalimatberupapernyataan yang dibuktikandeklaratifadalahkalimat yang paling dominan.Keduanyaantara guru danpesertadidikkebanyakanberbagiinformasi.Penggunaanpertanyaanhampirsamadenganbanyaknyapenggunaa 
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