The Skimming Skillof the Tenth Grade Students of SMAMuhammadiyah Kudus in the Academic Year of 2012/ 2013 Taught By Using Minilyric Application Program.Skripsi
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Ismawati, , I’malia.
Bahasa Inggris 
2013-07-15 04:09:35 
Abstract :
Ismawati, I’malia. 2013. The Skimming Skillof the Tenth Grade Students of SMAMuhammadiyah Kudus in the Academic Year of 2012/ 2013 Taught By Using Minilyric Application Program.Skripsi, English Education Department Teacher Training and EducationFacultyMuriaKudusUniversity. Advisors: (1) Dr. H.A. Hilal Madjdi,M.Pd, (2) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd. Key words: Skimming Skill, Minilyric Application Program. Skimming skill is one of important skills which must be taught to senior high school students. However, many students have difficulties in reading. Students cannot write well because they had less reading in English.Therefore, the teacher should have alternative ways to teach in reading. One of learning technique is using media. Minilyric Application Program is one of solution to solve the student’ problem to learn material to be more interest and fun. The objectives of this research is: To find out whether there is any significant difference between the skimming skill of tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using minilyric application program. The population of the research was the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus. In taking the sample of the research, the writer uses cluster random sampling technique. The writer gets X-A as the sample of the research. The design of this research was experimental research. The writer uses one group pre-test post-test. The result of the experiment shows that the calculation of t-test, with the level of significance 0.5%, the Degree of Freedom (Df) 29, and t-table (tt)2.045, the t-observation (to) obtained 11.31. In the other words, t-observation is higher than t-table. The skimming skill of tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 after being taught by using Minilyric Application Program is “good”. It is showed by the mean is 80.1 and standard deviation 6.2. It is higher than the mean of the skimming skill of tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before being taught by using Minilyric Application program which the mean 66.67 and standard deviation 8.25. It is categorized as “sufficient”. The suggestion for this research is for the teacher ssugested to useMinilyric Application Program for teaching reading. Using Minilyric Application Program can motivate the students to learn English especially in reading. ABSTRAKSI Ismawati, I’malia. 2013. Kemampuanmembaca cepat SiswaKelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus TahunPelajaran 2012/2013 Di AjarkanDenganMenggunakanMinilyric Application Program. Skripsi Program StudiPendidikanBahasaInggris, FakultasKeguruandanIlmuPendidikan, UniversitasMuria Kudus. Pembimbing: (1) Dr. H.A. HilalMadjdi, M.Pd. (2) Atik Rokhayani, S.Pd, M,Pd. Kata kunci: Kemampuan membaca cepat, Minilyric Application Program. Kemampuanmembacacepatadalahkemampuanpenting yang harusdiajarkankepadamurid SMA.Bagaimanapun, banyakmuridmengalamikesulitandalammembaca.Murid-muridtidakdapatmembacadenganbaikkarenamerekakurangmembaca.Olehkarenaitu, guru seharusnyapunyajalan alternative dalammengajarmembaca.Salah satuteknikmengajaradlahdenganmenggunakan media.Minilyric Application Program adalahsalahsatusolusiuntukmemecahkanmasalahmuriduntukbelajarmaterimenjadilebihmenarikdanmenyenangkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: Untukmengetahuiapakahadaperbedaan yang signifikanantarakemampuanmembacasiswakelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus padatahunakademik 2012/2013 sebelumdansesudahdiajarkandenganmenggunakanMinilyric Application Program. Subyekpenelitianadalahsiswakelas X SMA Muhammaadiyah Kudus.Dalampengambilansampelpenelitian, penulismenggunakanteknik cluster random sampling. Penulismendapat X-Asebagaisampelpenelitian.Rancanganpenelitianiniadalahpenelitianeksperimental.Penulismenggunakan one group pre-test post-test. Hasildaripenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwaperhitungan t-test, dengantingkatsignifikansi0.5%, DerajatKebebasan, (Df) 29 dan t-tabel (tt) 2,045, t-test (untuk) diperoleh11.31. Dalam kata-kata, t-testlebihbesardari t-tabel.Kemampuanmembacasiswakelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus padatahunakademik 2012/2013 setelahdiajarkandenganmenggunakanMinilyric Application Programadalah "baik".Hal iniditunjukkandengan rata-rata adalah80.1danstandardeviasi 76.2.itulebihtinggidari rata-rata kemampuanmembacasiswakelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kudus padatahunakademik 2012/2013 sebelumdiajarkandenganmenggunakanMinilyric application Program yang berarti66.67danstandar8.25. Hal inidikategorikansebagai "cukup". Hipotesispenelitianinimenyatakanbahwaterdapatperbedaan yang signifikanantarakemampuanmenyimaksiswakelas X SMA MuhammadiyahKuduspadatahunakademik 2012/2013 dikonfirmasi.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus