Dubbing Film to Improve Speaking Ability of the Tenth Grade Students of MA Mazro’atul Huda Karanganyar Demak in Academic Year 2012/2013.
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Universitas Muria Kudus
Yaqin, Nurul
Komunikasi antar individu 
2013-09-07 04:15:22 
Abstract :
more important to be studied because it is the international language. Every people in the world uses this language to communicate to other and to master everything in the world. There are many school teaches speaking to achieve of the students ability. Dubbing film is one of the ways to teach speaking. It is one of teaching techniques which can make the students creative and active. In this research, the researcher uses Dubbing Film as a technique to teach speaking ability. The objective of this research is to find out dubbing film can improve speaking ability of students of MA Mazro’atul Huda Karanganyar Demak in tenth grade in academic year 2012/2013. The researcher uses classroom action research as the research method. This research is done in the MA Mazro’atul Huda Karanganyar Demak on November in the odd semester of tenth grade students in the academic year 2012/2013. This research is done in class X A of MA Mazro’atul Huda Karanganyar Demak which consist of 37 students as the subject of the research. The researcher implemented dubbing film within three cycles. The instruments were oral tests, observation sheet, and questionnaire sheet which were given in each cycle. The cycle I, the researcher used muted film to make dubbing the students. The cycle II, the researcher unmuted film to make students easier to dub the film. The cycle III, the researcher used unmuted film with subtitle as a technique to dub the film. The result of the study shows that the implementation of dubbing film as a teaching technique can improve the students’ speaking ability. The result of research indicated the improvement of speaking ability by using dubbing film that was shown by the oral test score of students which held in each cycle. The mean of the oral test score in cycle I was 61.95; cycle II was 72.43; and cycle III was 76.43. in questionnaire sheet, students showed positive responses to dubbing film as technique to teach speaking. Showing film to the students can offer a good way to increase the students motivation in speaking. The suggestion are dubbing film can offer an interesting and enjoyable technique to teach speaking ability. The English teacher are suggested to use dubbing unmuted film with subtitle as a technique to overcome problem in teaching speaking since it makes the students more understand and be easy to speak well.  
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Universitas Muria Kudus