The Code Switching Applied in the Chaos@Work’s “My Stupid Boss: Impossible We Do Miracle We Try and Heaven is Full so I come Back” Novel.
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Universitas Stikubank
Wijayanti , Novia
2013-07-24 06:29:11 
Abstract :
The thesis is entitled The Code Switching Applied in the Chaos@Work?s ?My Stupid Boss: Impossible We Do Miracle We Try and Heaven is Full so I come Back? Novel. The writer chose the title because code switching an interesting topic to be discussed. Besides there are a lot of code switching found in the novel such as inter santential and intra sentential. This thesis has two objectives. First it is aimed at explaining the types of code switching. Second, it is aimed at explaining the functions of code. Documentation method was used to collect the data. All of code switching found in My Stupid Boss: Impossible We Do Miracel We Try and heaven is Full so I come Back were taken as the data. In finding out the phenomena of code switching, the writer took notes from the dialogue of My Stupid Boss novel. In analyzing the data, the writer applied descriptive documentation technique. One hundred and one code switching were found in selected data mostly whid cover intra sentential (53,47%) and inter-sentential (46,53%). Frequently, code switching is used to capture attention (41,58%), to ease communication (30,69%), to emphasize a point (27,73%).  

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Universitas Stikubank