An Analysis of Conversational Implicature between a Customer Service and a Customer at Bank Muamalat Semarang Branch: A Case Study
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Universitas Stikubank
Rahma , Vinia
2013-07-24 06:24:21 
Abstract :
As acommunication tool, language has an important role in any aspects of life. One of the aspects is in banking. In a banking world, language is also used by the bank clerks, especially when they communicate with the customers. The use of the language must be understood, especially to the customers, because sometimes the use of language in the banking terms is different with the daily language. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the implicature of the conversation between the customer service and the customer at Bank Muamalat Semarang Branch. To get the goal, the writer uses a qualitative data research as a method of this thesis, because the writer will identify the implicature produced from the conversation. Meanwhile, in collecting the data, the writer uses the library research and the recording of the conversation because it is very useful to get the data accurately. The writer collects the data by using books that related with the object of the research. To identify and analyze the implicature of the conversation, the writer uses the theoretical study of Grice Conversational Implicature. It has four kinds of Maxims; they are Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relation and Maxim of Manner. These maxims are used to explain the conversation between the customer service and the customer at Bank Muamalat Semarang Branch. The result of this study is that the writer found all of the kinds of Grice?s maxims that are related with the research object. Based on the result of analysis, there are four sentences which obey the same Maxims, they are Maxim of Quality and Maxim of Quantity because most of the content of the conversation are informative and truthfulness. They do not obey the Maxim of Quality and Quantity but also obey the Maxim of Relation because they are related to each other. Besides, the utterances also obey the Maxim of Manner because they are suitable with the characteristic of the Maxim of Manner that is ?avoid ambiguity?.  

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Universitas Stikubank