Analisis Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Orientasi Perilaku Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada Brem Merek Rumah Joglo, Desa Kaliabu, Caruban – Madiun)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
HF5415.32 Consumer Behavior 
2015-05-19 04:18:45 
Abstract :
Consumer behavior towards a product can vary depending on what orientation . With regard to this behavior , the marketer can identify consumer segments based on product benefits the customer wants . By knowing consumer behavior can also develop the product strategy , promotion strategy , pricing , and distribution systems . This study aimed to determine the knowledge and consumer appetite for brem joglo , consumer behavior , and marketing mix factors memepngaruhi consumer interest in buying brem joglo . The results showed that many who do not know brem joglo . This is due to a lack of distribution and promotion . Consumer behavior before buying , buying time generally is on holiday . And consumers buy directly come to the store . Behavior when buying , the most dominant purchase amount is 1-10 pack every time a purchase . Besides the dominant consumer taste tester , reading labels , asking price , and bargain prices when buying . Behavior after purchasing , the dominant product usability for a souvenir . In addition, consumers are satisfied and will continue to re-purchase . The results also show that there is a strong relationship between the elements of the marketing mix ( price , product , place and promotion ) with the purchasing decisions of consumers Keywords : marketing mix , consumer behavior , brem joglo 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur