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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
HB1-3840 Economic Theory 
2015-05-19 04:36:55 
Abstract :
Soybean is one of the strategic crops planted by some communities in Indonesia and as a cheap source of protein . In soybean agribusiness system , essentially requires a harmonious relationship between the input subsystem , the subsystem production , processing subsystems and subsystem marketing . One subsystem agribusiness in agricultural product processing industry is the third or processing subsystem . One of the agro-processing industries which use soybean as the main raw material in the production process are soy industry . The role of processing soybeans into soy sauce is very important in order to increase demand , increase endurance soybeans , creating added value , and increase foreign exchange in accordance with the purpose of the agro-industry sector . Each activity has been linked to the agro-industry respectively among other activities , ie backward linkages relation to raw materials for the production process and forward linkages are related to the marketing of its products . The purpose of this study was to analyze backward and forward linkages in the supply chain management perspective on Agroindustri Ketchup ' SEHATI ' , and know the great value added generated from the processing of soybeans into soy sauce black in a single production process. The method used in this study is a qualitative analysis method by means of chi-square analysis or chi squared and added value analysis methods . Sampling method used was purposive sampling . Data collection through primary data and secondary data . The results of this study are backward and forward linkages in the supply chain management perspective is as follows : from a few suppliers of black soybeans , most closely keterkitan backward black soybeans produced by the amount of 5,392 Pacitan which became the main supplier . As for the forward linkages of some wholesale marketing is the marketing of soy sauce , subgrosir and retailers are still less visible than the spread ketchup marketing is still in the local scope and the amount of soy sauce purchases are still little but forward linkage of each relationship marketing has generated the most closely by wholesale marketing that is equal to 21.31 2 which is the main customer . From some ketchup packaging , KD 150 is a product that is most in demand by customers in this case because the uniqueness and diversity of products ( competitors do not have a similar product ) , packaging costs ( for household ) and affordable price . While great added value obtained in the processing of black soybean per kilogram averaged into ketchup is Rp . 14.700 , - with ratio value added of 45% . Keywords : Agroindustry Ketchup , backward linkages , forward linkages , Supply Chain Management 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur