PENERIMAAN MASYARAKAT SURABAYA TERHADAP REPORTASE KRIMINAL (RESKRIM) DI KOMPAS TV SURABAYA (Reception Analysis Masyarakat Kota Surabaya Terhadap Reportase Kriminal (Reskrim) di Kompas Tv Surabaya)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Adila , Noor Hasanah
K5015.4-5350 Criminal Law 
2015-07-27 05:13:22 
Abstract :
This research is to find out RECEPTION SURABAYA SOCIETY TO REPORTASE KRIMINAL (RESKRIM) AT KOMPAS TV SURABAYA The rise of criminal actions make television shows about crime news more and more in national television even to a local television. One of the local television that broadcast the news criminal program is Kompas Tv Surabaya, name of the program is Reportase Kriminal (Reskrim) on Kompas Tv Surabaya which present specially package of criminal cases that occurred in East Java. Reportase Kriminal (Reksrim) on Kompas Tv Surabaya can provide a different meaning for the society. People who come from differents backgrounds and different experiences, will do the pros and cons for the meaning of the program. This research uses Reception Analysis in classifying the audience becomes active audience on the meaning of the text that is raised by the media. By using sescriptive qualitative research methods, and for data collection, researcher used in-depth interviews. The conclusion of this reaserch is Reception Surabaya peoples categorizing Reskrim an exciting program from adolescents to adults informants have reception fit to expected dominant-hegemonic news makers, in this case is the Kompas Tv Surabaya. Audiences are classified as Negotiations, three adult informants who initially according construct meaning with the text encoding media, then do a different meaning. In this case, the informant has character critical in providing to understanding and meaning of media texts, but in the end they are choose to one direction to accept or reject. While audiences were classified as Opposition, one informant who refused to offer any teks media by Kompas Tv Surabaya. See informant's has religius character and has a strong establishment. Key words : Descriptive Qualitative, Reception Analysis, Reception Surabaya society to Reportase Kriminal (Reskrim) at Kompas Tv Surabaya. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur