REPRESENTASI MASKULINITAS DALAM IKLAN (Analisis Semiotik Deskriptif Kualitatif Representasi Maskulinitas dalam Iklan BVLGARI Aqva, Hugo Boss yewear, dan ROCKPORT di Majalah Pria Men’s Folio Edisi Mei-Juni 2014)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
HF5415.123 Communication in marketing 
2015-07-27 05:28:06 
Abstract :
This study is about representation of masculinity in Men's advertising products. The object of research are static advertising images that taken from Men's Health Megazine of May-June 2014 Edition. Masculinity become the red thread on the research of advertising. As the corpus of representative material taken from BVLGARI Aqva, Hugo Boss Eye Wear, and ROCKPORT ads. This study uses the approach of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic method to analyze and understand the meaning of the ads. Semiotic method used descriptive and qualitative analyzes based on sign icon, index, and symbol, a method focusing on signs and texts as objects of its studies, and as how researchers interpret and understand the sign behind and mark the text. The result of research shows a representation of masculinity from the three ads men?s products portrayed innovative, prospective and well targeted, and further confirms that its presence in the modern era it was prevail in targeting the market of men that are tasteful, full of high spirit and influence on the style life and ideals. Keywords: Representation, Masculinity, Semiotics. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur