PERANAN KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL PADA PASANGAN SUAMI – ISTRI YANG MENIKAH MUDA ( Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Peranan Komunikasi Interpersonal pada Pasangan Suami Istri yang Menikah Muda dalam Mempertahankan Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Gresik)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
P94.7 Interpersonal communication 
2015-07-29 10:38:21 
Abstract :
Marriage is a bond born between a man and woman as husband and wife the aim of forming a family (household) are happy and remain upon God Almighty. Between husband and wife should love each other sharing feelings and sharing happiness. Generally, each party has had its personal that has developed, therefore to unite with one another is need for mutual adjustments, mutual understanding and mutual sacrifice, it should really be realized by both parties re husband and wife. In connection with it the role of communication in households is very important. Between the husband and wife should mutually communicate well to be able to reconcile with one another, and thus the misunderstanding can be avoided. The purpose of this research was to find out how the role of interpersonal communication on young couples in maintaining the household. The teory used in this research is the coordinated management of meaning and role taking. Where both of these theories are concerned about the quality of good communication in the relationship so that the role of the communication that is expected to be fit. Can then be aware of communication that occurs is effective or not effective. The methodology in this study, using a qualitative research method, where the technique of collection data through observation first then menfanalisa the data retrieved and then verify it. Area of research is in the area of Gresik by taking as many as 5 informant married couples. The results in the research said that the informant was almost entirely using the role of interpersonal communication in his household, for them, communication is the important thing that must be done in order for the hope they can be carried in accordance with the wishes of the expected. The role of interpersonal communication used is reviewed from the viewpoint of humabistic, pragmatic, and social intercourse. All has been done to the maximum by the informant, although sometimes the submission of their communication to occur. The role of the third, the third applying the informant in his household, so that the communication that occurs between the two couples is effective communication. Keyword : The role of interpersonal communication, coordinated managemenet of meaning.  
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur