KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT SURABAYA MENONTON MAHABHARATA DI ANTV ( Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Kepuasan Masyarakat Surabaya Menonton Mahabharata di ANTV Terhadap Tokoh Arjuna)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
HF5415.335 Consumer Satisfaction 
2015-07-31 03:18:19 
Abstract :
Along with the times, mass communication as it is now experiencing rapid growth. The mass media, especially television (TV), these developments helped the entry of information for the public. Such negative behavior changes follow the pattern of behavior of impressions like the movie "Mahabhrata" in ANTV, where the film is partly at odds with the culture of the nation. Of this phenomenon researchers wanted to observe fasting to gaps between the desired satisfaction / Gratification Sought (GS) with the satisfaction gained / Gratification Obtanined (GO). By way of doing quantitative research approaches and methods used is the use of survey research descriptive analysis. T-test to determine satisfaction with the saw gap between the desired satisfaction (GS) with the satisfaction obtained (GO). based on the results of the study showed in on public satisfaction surabaya watching the mahabharata in antv arjuna figure information motive, motive of personal identity, motive and the integration of social interaction, and entertainment motive. Keywords: satisfaction, community Surabaya, Mahabharata movie in ANTV. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur