PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK ANTAR ANAK YANG MEMILIKI ORANGTUA TEMPERAMENTAL DALAM HUBUNGAN INTERPERSONAL (Studi Kualitatif Penyelesaian Konflik Antar Anak Usia 3-6 Tahun yang Memiliki Orangtua Temperamental di Baby Smile School Wiyung Surabaya)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
P94.7 Interpersonal communication 
2015-07-31 04:11:46 
Abstract :
Communication between parent and child is very important for a child's development. Communication between parents and children is an interpersonal communication or interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication or interpersonal communication is face-to-face interaction between two or more persons, in which the sender can deliver messages directly and receive direct messages and the recipient can receive and respond directly anyway. Interpersonal relationships is a process of interaction between the individual and other individuals with a way to communicate. Effective communication is characterized by good interpersonal relationships, the opposite occurs when the communication failure message content can be understood, but the relationship between the communicant becomes damaged. Every time communicating, not only to deliver the message content alone but determine levels of interpersonal relationships. Good relationships with friends is very important for good social development. Social isolation or inability to engage the child into a social network, can lead to the emergence of problems and disorders ranging from delinquency and problem drink-drink and depression. Poor relationships among friends in childhood can have an effect on the likelihood of dropping out of school and juvenile delinquency behavior. On the contrary, good relations have an effect on mental health in middle-aged well. the role of parents, teachers, and friends play an important role in achieving good social emotional development in childhood. Early relationships with parents are the foundation of the achievement of social competence and relationships with friends. Parents should interact with the show compassion, understand the child's feelings, understand their wants and needs, expressing interest in the child's daily activities, proud of the achievement of the child, encourage and support when the child has a problem. So that the child will grow into a child who has good manners. Keywords: Interpersonal Relations, Conflict Resolution 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur