“RECEPTION ANALYSIS” IBU RUMAH TANGGA DALAM MENONTON FILM TELEVISI “SINEMA PINTU TAUBAT SIANG” DI TELEVISI INDOSIAR ( Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Analisis Resepsi Ibu Rumah Tangga Terhadap Tayangan Kekerasan Di Film Televisi )
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
P87 Communication. Mass Media 
2015-07-31 04:09:08 
Abstract :
Many television films produced in Indonesia at the beginning of 1995 were pioneered by SCTV. This aims to answer over fullness people over a film. Since that time many films television are created. Nearly all TV stations have the plot of time each week for television viewings. In Indonesia, especially very popular television film TV movie with the theme of teenage, romance and television films with religious theme. Researchers chose examines how receipt of the Housewives toward religious cinema television film ?Pintu Taubat? in the afternoon in indosiar on impressions of the violence that is displayed from the contents of the film's story, by using qualitative methods and use the theory of Reception Analysis. Housewife was chosen as the informant because domestic housewife is an active audience that most of the activities at home. Because the film contains religious stories of domestic violence, researchers using the technique in depth interview and strengthened by a focus group discussion techniques in order to obtain data. From this study the researchers can divide informants in three categories i.e. Dominant-Hegemonic Position, Negotiated Position, oppositional position to find out how audiences receive exposure to media texts. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur