EFEKTIVITAS IKLAN OPPO F1S TERBARU (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif tentang Efektivitas Iklan OPPO F1S Terbaru Versi “Rahasia Selfie Sempurna Raisa” di Televisi)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Ananda , Ayu Sulistya
P87 Communication. Mass Media 
2018-07-19 07:48:26 
Abstract :
ANANDA AYU SULISTIYA. EFFECTIVENESS OF OPPO F1S ADVERTISING (Quantitative Descriptive Study of OPPO F1S Latest Ad Effectiveness Version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" on Television) The television advertisements studied in this research are the latest OPPO brand mobile advertisement which is the latest OPPO F1S advertisement version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" in Television. After the release of OPPO F1S Ram 3GB and Rom 32GB ads, OPPO launched its newest ad, OPPO F1S latest version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" for the latest OPPO F1S Ram 4GB and Rom 64GB products while still partnering with Raisa as ambassador brand, Perfection especially when it comes to selfie shooting. The effectiveness of advertising is the level of effectiveness of an ad either to consumers or the public. Basically, an ad is said to be effective if the ad can be deeply engraved in the minds of consumers. The Direct Rating Method (DRM) is measured by the following five indicators: attention, comprehension (readthrougness), cognitive responses (cognitive), affective responses, and attitudes toward advertising. The technique used in sampling is non probability sampling technique that is purposive sampling is sample determination technique with certain consideration, among others respondents aged between 18-40 years, domicile respondents in Surabaya, and respondents who have seen the latest OPPO F1S advertisement version "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa"on television. In this study the sample used is as many as 100 people. Based on the analysis of the effectiveness of the latest OPPO F1S advertisement version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" to the people of Surabaya via television media using Direct Rating method (DRM) method, overall the average DRM OPTO F1S latest advertisement version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" on television This is included in a very effective scale range. Attention dimension, readthrougness, cognitive response, affection and attitude toward the latest OPPO F1S advertisement version of "Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa" on television come in a very effective scale range Keyword : Effectiveness, OPPO F1S Latest Ad Effectiveness Version of Secret of Selfie Perfect Raisa.  
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur