REPRESENTASI SENSUALITAS DALAM IKLAN “COOLANT JUS BELIMBING” (Studi Deskripstif Kualitatif Representasi Sensualitas Perempuan Dalam Iklan Coolant Jus Belimbing di Televisi)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
P87 Communication. Mass Media 
2018-07-23 02:11:24 
Abstract :
ARDIANSYAH, REPRESENTATION OF SENSUALITY IN ADVERTAISING ?COOLANT JUS BELIMBING? ON TELEVISION, (QUALITATIF DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF STUDY OF THE REPRESENTATION OF SENSUALITY IN ADVERTISING ?COOLANT JUS BELIMBING? ON TELEVISION) The Purposeof of this study to know the representasion of the sensuality of women in advertising a Coolant Jus Belimbing on television. The study is using the method of analisis semiotic, inclauding in research a qualitative. This study using of the John Fiske which isthen analyzed into three levels, that is of the level of reality, the level of representation, the level ideologi. The conclusions generated from this study is that the representation of sensuality in advertaising a Coolant Jus Belimbing on television. The are on facial expression that teases, using clothes a strics. Keyword :representation of sensuality, the ads Coolant Jus Belimbing  
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur