“PENGGUNAAN SPOTIFYSEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI BAND INDIE” (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Penggunaan Spotify Sebagai Media Promosi Band Indie)
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Arsih, Aditya Perwira
P87 Communication. Mass Media 
2018-07-23 02:51:12 
Abstract :
ARSIH ARDITYA PERWIRA 1343010179, SPOTIFY USE AS A PROMOTION MEDIA FORINDIE BAND (Qualitative Descriptive Study on Spotify Usage as Indie Band Promotion Media). The purpose of this study is to determine the role of mobile applications, which is spotify in facilitating an indie band in promoting their songs. Promotion is a kind of communication that gives explanations and convince potential customers about goods and services with the aim of gaining attention, educate, remind, and convince potential customers. The method that used in this research is qualitative research method. That is in-depth-interview with indie band personnel. From the discussion conducted by researchers, the findings and analysis of research data in the form of process of reciting the results of interviews and observations that have been collected. Conclusion in this research (1) The use of spotify as a media campaign, spotify has complete criteria to be a media promotion of indie band work. Indie bands stated that the price offered by spotify is very affordable. Very in accordance with what is obtained by indie bands, that is his work can be marketed and heard by all music lovers in various parts of the world. Spotify is beneficial for indie bands to promote his work. Spotify is easy in the process of marketing indie band work. Spotify has a positive impact on indie bands in terms of sharing information and activities. Spotify can change the way music lovers listen to indie bands. Not just through physical releases but also digitally. (2) The spotify browse feature as a promotional media, indie bands are satisfied with the features provided spotify for their interests in terms of promotion work. Indie bands prefer spotify compared to other mobile music apps. (3) The spotify discover feature as a promotional medium, spotify proves that its reach is very wide. Music lovers around the world can listen to the work of a band from any part of the world. Likewise with indie bands, can market his work to all parts of the world. (4) The spotify follow feature as a promotional media, indie bands share information about their latest activities and works and only music lovers who follow them are the first to know about it. Besides spotify will send special notification to indie band follower if their favorite band update information. (5) The spotify top list feature as a promotional media, the entry of indie band works in the top list proves the work is often heard. So the greater the impact of promotions made by indie bands and about music lovers. Keyword : Promotion, Spotify, Indie Band 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur