Abstract :
EFEK RUMAH KACA, (Semiotics Analysis of Meaning of Song Lyrics of Greenhouse
Effects entitled "Lost"). The purpose of this study is to find out how the meaning of the
lyrics of the song "lost" popularized by the band Efek Rumah Kaca ".
The type of approach used in this regard is descriptive qualitative approach, where
in qualitative descriptive approach will be able to interpret in detail the meaning of the
lyrics in the song "lost" popularized by the band Efek Rumah Kaca ".
After reviewing and interpreting what is in the song "disappeared" popularized by
the band Efek Rumah Kaca ", is a form of feelings of homesickness and anger Efek
Rumah Kaca is poured in this song about not yet the clarity of when the return or the
return of the missing activists on 1997-1998.
In this song the greenhouse effect questioned the existence of the missing activists
to the president. Merka says it will never stop to question and fight for the return of the
activists. They also say if the attitudes, attitudes and thoughts of the actors will never
disappear and will return to those who are left behind
Keywords : semiotic, meaning, efek rumah kaca