Diversion of Thoughts about Racism in Kabir Khan Movie Entitled “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” A
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Universitas Stikubank
Susiani, Natalia Dian
PN Literature (General) 
2021-11-22 07:49:17 
Abstract :
A social problem among society which is interesting to be discussed is about racism. The rise of some races that view their groupings as the best group may be the origin of racism, which refers to negative conduct toward inferior individuals. In addition, the idea or theory that states that there is a causal relationship between inherited physical characteristics and certain characteristics regarding personality, intelligence, culture or a combination of all of them, giving rise to the superiority of a particular race over other races is called racism. Racial attitudes may arise for a variety of reasons namely Personal interest, Racism in science, the status quo defence, Media Role, Environmental influenc, Bad Judging, Quick Blaming. However, lately there have been many campaigns that speak of acts of racism that can kill someone physically and mentally. So many ways to kill it kill racism, it starts from simple action. This research aims to analyze the cultural differences between India and Pakistan, racist actions, and also awaken us with tolerance, love, sacrifice and eliminate racist attitudes and thoughts through a film entitled Bajrangi Bhaijaan. The results of the study show some cultural differences between the two countries, namely the way of dressing, religion, and the day of celebration. In addition, racism was also found and mentioned by the researcher. And the most important thing is the action of the main character that makes us aware of love and sacrifice that ends in peace. This research aims to open our minds about racist acts, address conflicts between countries and learn how to respect differences. 
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Universitas Stikubank