Abstract :
Health development towards healthy Indonesia, aims to increase
awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy for every person to realize
the optimal health status of society. The problems in health are in fact still
widely found in the community. The country of Indonesia is included in a
country grouped in 22 countries with high burden countries. According to data
provided by the Health Office of Gresik City, the number of Tuberculosis
sufferers (TB) during the last 4 years has increased. So the role of District
Health Office Gresik is to determine the programs or activities that support the
prevention and control of tuberculosis (TB). The purpose of this study is to
describe, analyze and identify about the role of District Health Office of Gresik
in Tuberculosis Control and reveal the target to be achieved in the research
investigated by the researcher.
This research uses descriptive qualitative method with focus of health
promotion based on concept and theory of socialization, controlling risk
factors such as ethical behavior cough and increase endurance, immunity such
as giving special BCG immunization for infant. Data collection techniques
such as interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis using
interative model analysis method.
The results of the study are as follows: (1) The role of Health Office of
Gresik City in the promotion of health through socialization activities has
played a role because the community becomes more empowered, (2) In
carrying out the activities of controlling the risk factors of tuberculosis through
the behavior of ethical behavior of coughing and keeping the immune system of
City Health Office Gresik has played a role because the community become
more empowered and understand, (3) Implementation of immunization activity
that is BCG immunization for infant Health Department of Gresik City enough
role because the number of babies who have got immunization reached more
than half of target.
Keywords: Empowerment, Service Role, Health Promotion, Control Risk
Factors Tuberculosis, Giving Immune