Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Rambu Norlin , Kilinggoru
JZ International relations
2020-02-07 07:49:20
Abstract :
Handling the environment in the city of Surabaya is an vital concern of Surabaya
Government these days. Reflecting from the incidents of garbage patch that was
difficult to handle in 2001 that cause protest by citizens to closed the access to
LPA Keputih, Surabaya City Government even conducted a series of
environmental cooperation with parties from abroad. This research has the title
"Implementasi Kerjasama Green Sister City Antara Pemerintah Kota Surabaya
dengan Pemerintah Kota Kitakyushu-Jepang Pada Tahun 2012-2015?, has a
problem formulation of how the implementation of green sister city cooperation.
The purpose of this research is to explain the implementation of green sister city
cooperation, so it gets a new understanding that through the cooperation with
Kitakyushu City, Surabaya City get real benefits for the environment. This
research uses descriptive research of types, as well as techniques of qualitative
data through 2 sources, they are from data implementation of green sister city
presented by Foreign Cooperation Section of the Government of the City of
Surabaya and from the library or internet. The theoretical basis used are theory
of sister city, paradiplomacy and sustainable development. Based on the data
analysis, the environmental programs are waste recycling (Super Depo Sutorejo)
using the 3R method (reduce, reuse, recycle) with modern technology from the
company in Kitakyushu, as well as the low carbon society that touches several
sectors such as the energy, transportation and water resources. The result of this
cooperations are reduction the volume of garbage in the TPA Benowo and
reduction the emissions of carbon, energy endurance and water supply, and the
utilization of human resources in the City of Surabaya.
Keywords : Green Sister City, Super Depo Sutorejo, Low Carbon Society