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Universitas Stikubank
Sukmawati, Anissa Rida
PQ Romance literatures 
2022-05-20 02:51:53 
Abstract :
This undergraduate thesis was written based on literature psychoanalysis criticism as a descriptive qualitative study. The theory applied is Max Weber Social Class Theory: Three Stratification Components, which divide Social Class into three things, namely (a) class (b) status and (c) power. This study has two objectives, namely (a) analyze and describe how social class of The Great Gatsby movie (b) analyze and describe how the main character of The Great Gatsby movie responds to social class. The result of the analysis shows that, class or economic position according to Max Weber theory is related to being rich or poor and the more money someone has, the higher class will be, then people and media will notice them more. The third point is that, class can change due to individual struggle. Another point is that class can become one of the determinants in relationship especially marriage. Another point is that about the status which can be or not influenced by class, this is in line with Max Weber?s theory. The second one is that the rise of people status is influenced by how well society knows him as depicted in Gatsby?s case in which he becomes the focus of the media and. The third one is some factors which influence status, aside of money, are birth and professional achievement. Power creates courage to do achieve something, even though it can be morally wrong. The characters in The Great Gatsby movie provides different responses to social class. There is a character who sees social class is about money, and uses his money to get attention and rise in society (Gatsby). Another character views money is not the only important matter, because someone is determined by his birth (Tom). These differences result in emotional outburst, sarcastic attitude, and rude action to other characters who is seen in equal because of the difference in social-class. 
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Universitas Stikubank