Abstract :
The examination basicly carry of program awaiting opening of fasting is purpose to know how Ramadhan of religion frame was from media function. The examination is also to see of Remadhan problem of religion frame in RCTI, especially of program performance awaiting opening of fasting. There four basic function of television is gives information, to educate, to console and to persuasion being sure where function is appear from severally of RCTI program, this is Seputar Indonesia, Mister Olga, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Special Ramadhan and Qultum Quraish Shihab. Theory being use is Uses and gratifications Theory by Katz, Blumler and Gurevicth, also The Kultivation Theory by George Gerbner.
The examination use subyective kualitative analisys and generally. Also use phenomenology examination as examination method. The function of phenomenology examination to express about the truth of something with express phenomena or indication is appearing by the examination object. The notes has been able by observation of Ramadhan program is analyzed with using program read table basically seven category, that is program packed, the way of send message, language, performance by clothe, primer communicator, Ramadhan unsure and time or duration. Population of the examination is RCTI program, exactly the sample is four RCTI primer program. This is Seputar Indonesia, Mister Olga, Ketika Cinta Bertasih Special Ramadhan and Qultum Quraish Shihab.
After analyzed, from all program, Seputar Indonesia, Mister Olga, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Special Ramadhan and Qultum Quraish Shihab in RCTI, see that there two program has Ramadhan unsure is religion, there is Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Special Ramadhan and Qultum Quraish Shihab. Exactly three program the other is less program with Ramadhan usure is religion and many appear console and information unsure. There is Seputar Indonesia, Mister Olga and advertising. So, could be say that the program is appear awaiting opening fasting less many apeear religion unsure.