Representasi Karikatur “Karut Marut Hukum dan Peradilan Di Indonesia”( Studi Semiotik Representasi Karikatur “ Karut Marut Hukum dan Peradilan di Indonesia “ Dalam Harian Kompas Edisi 21 November 2009 )
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Reyna , Satya Nugraha
P99 Semiotics. Signs and symbols 
2011-03-06 01:57:31 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to find representation caricature of ?Karut Marut Legal And Judicial In Indonesia in Kompas daily edition 21 November 2009. Theory used in this research is the theory of semiotics Charles Sanders Peirce. In Peirce?s semiotic divide between the marks and reference it into three categories : icon, index, and symbol. Data analysis technique in this research analysis on the corpus of research on the semiotics of caricature ?Karut Marut Legal And Judicial In Indonesia? after going through the next stage of coding the researcher will interpret these signs to know its meaning The result of this study indicate that the general interpretation of these events washing is to clean up government, especially in the field of justice and law in Indonesia by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is a difficult goal to achieve, considering the number of mafia-mafia courts at nearly all institutions Moral of the law and bad law enforcement today. But with the law and legal system upheld today, government effort are starting to show success as the number of cases uncovered so they would not harm the state. 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur