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Universitas Stikubank
Fortuna, Alfina Dewi
PN Literature (General) 
2022-09-26 07:13:05 
Abstract :
Fortuna, Alfina Dewi. 2022. Defense Mechanism on The Main Character of Shutter Island(2010) as Psychoanalysis Study. A Final Project in a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for a Degree Award of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and Literature, Supervised by Endang Yuliani Rahayu, S.S., M.Pd, Faculty of Law and Language- Stikubank University Semarang ABSTRACT This thesis discusses Teddy's defense mechanism in Dennis Lehane's film Shutter Island. Andrew described himself as having an "imaginary life" due to terrible trauma. The purpose of the research is to examine the ego defense mechanism used by the main character of Shutter Island movie. This thesis uses qualitative approaches to uncover the main character's trauma in Shutter Island Movie, Teddy. This researcher focused on Teddy's defense mechanism, which she used to cope with his trauma. This research uses qualitative approaches to uncover Teddy's trauma and defense mechanism, based on psychoanalysis theories developed by Sigmund Freud, especially related to trauma. Based on the findings, there are three causes of Teddy's trauma. His guilt for killing hundreds of defenseless soldiers during World War II and his regret not taking his wife Dolores to psychiatrists led to her murdering their three children, and Andrew had to kill his wife. His anguish for his family's demise drives him to depression. His id can't stand the pain of remembering the event, so he forms a defense mechanism to avoid the guilt. Those three are associated by four types of ego defense mechanisms: repression, denial, projection, and Displacement. ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang mekanisme pertahanan Teddy dalam film Shutter Island karya Dennis Lehane. Andrew menggambarkan dirinya memiliki "kehidupan imajiner" karena trauma yang mengerikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji mekanisme pertahanan ego yang digunakan oleh pelaku utama karakter film Shutter Island. Tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengungkap trauma karakter utama dalam film Shutter Island, Teddy. Peneliti ini berfokus pada Mekanisme pertahanan Teddy, yang dia gunakan untuk mengatasi traumanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengungkap trauma dan mekanisme pertahanan Teddy, berdasarkan teori psikoanalisis yang dikembangkan oleh Sigmund Freud, terutama yang berkaitan dengan trauma. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, ada tiga penyebab trauma Teddy. Kesalahannya karena membunuh ratusan tentara tak berdaya selama Perang Dunia II dan penyesalannya tidak membawa istrinya Dolores ke psikiater menyebabkan dia membunuh tiga anak mereka, dan Andrew harus membunuh istrinya. Kesedihannya atas kematian keluarganya membuatnya depresi. ID-nya tidak tahan dengan rasa sakit mengingat peristiwa itu, jadi dia membentuk mekanisme pertahanan untuk menghindari rasa bersalah. It tiga dikaitkan oleh empat jenis mekanisme pertahanan ego: represi, penolakan, proyeksi, dan Perpindahan. 
Institution Info

Universitas Stikubank