Abstract :
Denny Muhammad Yusuf.2022. ?SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST INNOCENT GIRL IN MARTIN MOSZKOWICZ'S 3096 DAYS?. Faculty of Law and Language, Under Graduate Program of Stikubank University (UNISBANK) of Semarang. Supervisors: Dr.Agnes Widyaningrum, SE,S.Pd, M.Pd
This film tells the story of Natascha who was kidnapped for 8 years by her kidnappers and suffered torture and violence during Natascha's kidnapping. The purpose of this research is to observe, understand and describe how the forms of violence experienced by Natascha in the film are. This research is a qualitative descriptive type by observing and documenting the film 3096 Days. The subject of research is the film 3096 Days itself, with reference to the scenes depicting Sexual Violence. The researcher uses a qualitative method, where there are markers and signs in each scene and produces a sign that shows a form of sexual violence. The results showed that there were three forms of sexual violence in the film 3096 Days, namely physical violence, verbal violence, sexual violence