Abstract :
Angelina , Gabriel 2022, The Student Perception of Seventh Graders at 32 Junior High School in Semarang Towards the Implementation of Grammar Translation Method ,A Thesis, English Language and Literature, Undergraduate Program Of Unisbank University Semarang. Supervisor: Katharina Rustipa,Dr.,M,P.d.
This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research instrument is a questionnaire, focus group discussion with interviews. The subjects of this study were 16 seventh grade students from 32 junior high schools in Semarang. The purpose of this study was to find out how the opinion of grade 7 students on the application of grammar and translation methods at SMP Negeri 32 in Semarang, to find out what obstacles occurred when learning using the grammar and translation method, and to find out students' opinions about the application of the use of grammar and translation methods.in learning English. The results of this study indicate that the application of grammar and translation methods is done by providing material through a pdf file about basic grammar, then for teaching translation, students are asked to translate sentences through descriptive essays that they make themselves, about the environment. and their classmates. The results of this study indicate that the teacher has successfully applied the grammar method. Some children said it was effective to use grammar and translation methods because they enjoyed learning English with these methods. However, there are some children who cannot use this method, because they do not like the lesson.