Pemaknaan karikatur “Artalyta Suryani” Pada Cover Majalah Tempo (Studi semiotik Terhadap Cover Majalah Tempo Edisi Januari 2010). SKRIPSI
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Citra , Eka Prafitrian
P99 Semiotics. Signs and symbols 
2011-03-06 10:18:05 
Abstract :
This study aimed to determine the meaning of caricature "Artalyta Suryani" on the cover of Tempo magazine January 2010 edition. Researchers used the theory in this research are: Magazine For Mass Media, Magazines, Mass-Media, Cover Illustration, Visual Communications, Cartoon and Caricature, Caricature As Social Critic, The Concept Of Meaning, Relationships Politics And Law, Color Meanings, and the Semiotic Approach. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, which uses a semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Pierce. Corpus of the features are : Image caricature "Artalyta 'Ayin' Suryani? on the cover of Tempo magazine January 2010 edition. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the icon of the corpus is the women who wear clothes, hair rollers and slippers holding a sword in his right hand and left hand holding the weight, walking past the stairs, beyond that there are two pillars. Scales are not balanced, down the stairs, flip-off, money to fly, fly clothes, a white cloth hanging on the sword, the sky was cloudy orange color, hair in that group, and the smiling face is the index of the image. While the picture presented by the hammer symbol, money, swords, sandals, pillars, hanger, clothes, stairs, and scale 
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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur