Abstract :
The power of mangrove forest can reserve and keep heavy metal in fabric
of body, suck as leaves, trunks, and the roots which allow in their sedimen.
From the analysis of organolaptic it proved that kind of mangrove,
Bruguiera gymnorhiza, can stand from toxic consentrasion. But for another
various like Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata can?t against from
toxic consentration.
It proved by the heavy metal analisis that kind of mangrove such as
Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata and Bruguiera gymnorhiza can reserve
heavy metal effectively.
The power of mangrove reserve the heavy metal which has different treath
whent from toxic consentration in every various so that can decrease the level of
land soil at atmosphere, sedimen, and heavy metal until maximum.