Abstract :
The Effects of increasing facility and utility development in Balikpapan
indirectly has influence on increasing of fields needs and decreasing of green
spaces in Balikpapan. One of area that paid attention related with decreasing of
green spaces especially mangrove forest is Sungai Wain Balikpapan area.
Research needed for following up of decreasing of green spaces area.
Purpose of the research is arranging development and usage strategy of
mangrove forest on Sungai Wain Balikpapan through ecotourism based on three
aspects consists of : technical aspect (type of mangrove, pattern and plant
technical of mangrove), social aspect (amount and rapid of civil, participation
and society awareness on usage of mangrove forest), institutional aspect (support
of Balikpapan city government, support of law regulation, participation of BLH
and group of higher education) with purpose to create society awareness and
ecotourism part on effort of mangrove rehabilitations.
According of research result of questionnaire from 30 respondents known
as BLH and groups of higher education participations have influence greater such
37,9% so they can influence mangrove forest conditions of mangrove forest of
Sungai Wain as ecotourism region