Abstract :
KHUSNI, NUR ANNISA SYIFAUL. 2023. The Use of Role to Develop Play the Eighth Graders
Speaking Ability: An Action Research. Research paper. English Language and Literature in Faculty of
Law and Language University Of Stikubank Semarang. Advisor is Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd.
Key words: Speaking Competence, Role Playing Method
This studies to find out the use of role play strategy engage the eighth graders in their speaking
activities the eight graders'' perception like about the application of role play strategy in
enhancing their speaking ability the method is CAR. A qualitative traditional that provide
various methods to research, and that each tradition comprises a coherent totality, consisting of
internally consistent assumptions about human nature and society, fields of study, and technique.
The KKM score for English at Public Middle Schools for the 2022-2023 academic year is below
65. From the results of the data above, students who can surpass KKM scores are only 17
students out of the total number of students 35 students. The average class score is 61.81 and
classical completeness is 53.12%. The average class score is 65, 05 and classical completeness is
59,37%. The average class score is 65.5 and the classical completeness is 59.37%. In this cycle
there has been no increase in score and it is still the same as in cycle 1. The average class score is
66, 37 and classical completeness is 62,50%. The average class score is 66, 87 and classical
completeness is 62, 50%. Based on these data, after applying the role-play method, students
experienced an increase in cycles of 6, 25 %.
The use of the role-play method can overcome the English speaking ability of the 8 graders of
SMP Negeri 02 Lebaksiu,their achievement is speaking. In the pre-cycle stage, it increased
53.5% after the action of Cycle I, while in the post-action of Cycle 2 it increased to 20%. In
cycle 3 it increased to and in cycle 4 increased.
Finally, the researcher finally the researcher concludes that the role-play method can improve
pronunciation, and communication in English properly and correctly. Improvement is obtained
by providing more intense guidance to every aspect as well as adding students' favorite activities
as a reward so that students actively participate in learning.