Abstract :
Basically the wider community to measure the success of the company based on the ability of the company as seen from the performance of management in generating profit in the future. In order to assess the performance of the company, then the parties concerned need to know the company's financial condition, which can be ascertained from the company's financial statements consisting of balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in capital. For companies that went public financial reports are open access which means the company's financial statements have been published so it can be seen and read by the general public, especially those concerned with the financial statements. The purpose of this study was to prove and verify that the ratio of Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover. Inventory Turnover. Net Profit
Margin, Return On Assets to predicting profit growth in automotive companies that go public in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used in the form of secondary data obtained from the automotive company's financial statements in Indonesia Stock Exangange and 8 Companies
sampled using purposive sampling technique. The analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the testing that has been done shows that based on the F test showed that the regression model used to determine the variable Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets on the growth of profit is not suitable, based on t test results showed that
variable Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets is also not significantly affect earnings in the automotive company. Research assumption F test results do not match, the t test was also not significant. Thus, this research hypothesis which states that "expected ratios Current Ratio, Total Assets Turnover. Inventory Tornover, Net Profit Margin and Return On Assets have an Influence on the Company's forecast
earnings growth of automotive", not verified