The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Method to Improve the Students’ Show Presenting Skill. (An Action Research at the Eleventh Year of SMA N 12 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).
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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Pindha Kaptiningrum, 2201407040
PE English 
2015-04-25 04:14:40 
Abstract :
English subject is a compulsory subject in junior high school and senior high school. Based on my interview with an English teacher of language program in SMA N 12 Semarang, students? speaking skill is generally poor, especially in mastering the show presenting skill. The students have not mastered the aspects of speaking assessment those are pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, performance and content aspect, yet. Consequently, they have not been able to perform as show presenters well. From this reason, I would like to help the students to solve the difficulties in show presenting skill by using jigsaw method. Jigsaw method has been ever used successfully by some researchers. Jigsaw method divided the class up into two different kinds of groups, expert groups and learning groups. There were five groups of each jigsaw groups. Expert Groups were initial groups that students read and studied the same material then they became the expert on that material. Next, students determined how the material would be shared to their friends. The students worked in a group were five. After the expert groups completed their study, they met with learning groups composed of a member of each expert group. Each expert teaches his or her topic to the member of learning groups. Then, they came back to their expert groups to explain the material found in the learning groups. The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of jigsaw method to improve the students? show presenting skill. The methods for collecting data were recording the students? performance, interviews, observation, test, scoring technique and questionnaire. In this action research, two cycles were carried out. Each cycle contained planning, acting, observing and reflecting. From the data of the first cycle, the result of the speaking test 1 as the reflection was unsatisfactory. Then, I planned to have the second cycle. This cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The teaching and learning process of the second cycle was good. It was proven by the significant mean difference of the pre-test, the speaking test 1, and the post test. The mean of the pre-test was 45. 65 for the speaking test 1 and the post test was 70. It can be said that teaching and learning process by using jigsaw method to improve the students? show presenting skill was effective. 

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Universitas Negeri Semarang