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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum, 2201406612
PE English 
2011-11-29 07:00:41 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Kusumaningrum, R. Widya. 2010. The Use of Preview, Question, Read, Self-Recite, Test (PQRST) Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension of News Item Texts (A Case Study of Grade X Students of SMA Negeri 2 Ungaran in the Academik Year 2009.2010). Final Project, English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty, Semarang State University. First Advisor: Drs. Ahmad Sofwan, Ph.D. Second Advisor: Dr. La Ode Musyaridun. Keywords: PQRST technique, reading comprehension, action research. This final project is about the use of preview, question, read, self-recite, and test (PQRST) technique in teaching reading comprehension news item texts. The aims were to explain the implementation of PQRST technique to teach news item and to explain on what extent the use of PQRST technique improves reading comprehension of news item texts. This research conducted grade X-9 students in SMA 2 Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang in the academic year 2009/2010. This is an action research study. I applied an action research as the basic design during the treatments. In getting empirical data, I conducted a pre-test, cycle 1, post-test cycle 1, cycle 2 and post-test cycle 2. In accounting the data, I used triangulation design which synchronizing opinions between I as the researcher, the teacher as the collaborator and the students as the object by using questionnaire and observation sheet. The research could be said successful if 85% of the students achieved 65 as the minimum score. In the pre-test, 59.37% of the students passed the minimum with the mean score 62.31. For the post-test cycle 1, 68.75 % of the students passed the standard minimum with the mean score 66.81. For the post-test cycle 2, 87.50% of the students achieved the minimum score with the mean score 77.56. Those progressions were supported students? opinion through close and open questionnaire and collaborator observation sheet which stated that the PQRST reading technique could be considered as one solving technique in comprehending a text. The research also concerned on the improvement of specific skills in reading comprehension such as main idea, supporting details, vocabulary, and inference. For identifying main idea, 64.6 % of the students passed in the pre-test, 70.8 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 1, and 85.4 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 2. For identifying supporting details, 62.8 % of the students passed in the pre-test, 66.7 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 1, and 75.6 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 2. For vocabulary aspect, 60.3 % of the students passed in the pre-test, 64.3 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 1, and 76.6 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 2. For drawing conclusion, 60.9 % of the students passed in the pre-test, 68.8 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 1, and 85.9 % of the students passed in the post-test cycle 2. Based on the findings, it is suggested to English teacher to consider using PQRST technique in teaching reading as an alternative choice. PQRST is recommended since it is simple to be implemented, does not take any cost, and will help their students improve their students? mark in school. In addition, this technique can attract the students? interest and motivation in learning English. In conclusion, teaching reading comprehension using PQRST technique can be one of references of problem solving.  

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Universitas Negeri Semarang