Hooligans’ Crimes And Lifestyle (A Socio-Psychological Analysis on Lexi Alexander’s “Green Street Hooligans”)
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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Auchun Esha, 2250403543
PR English literature 
2011-12-03 01:36:07 
Abstract :
Esha, Auchun. 2010. Hooligans? Crimes And Lifestyle (A Socio-Psychological Analysis on Lexi Alexander?s ?Green Street Hooligans?). A Final Project. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Semarang. Advisor I : Dr. Dwi Rukmini, M.Pd. Advisor II: Rini Susanti Wulandari S.S., M. Hum. Key Words: Hooligan, Social Psychology, Crime, Lifestyle A football spectator group called hooligans exists in society, but this group exists within a larger group, in this case, normal spectators, and it makes hooligans have charsteristics and way of thinking at variance with those of normal spectators. The objectives of this study are finding out hooligans? characteristics through their characterizations, hooligans? crime behaviors, hooligans? lifestyle, values of hooligans? behaviors viewed in Lexi Alexander?s ?Green Street Hooligans?, In this final project, I used qualitative method in which the data were taken in the form of fact of the scenes and the spoken dialogue of the film. The steps of collecting the data are watching, capturing certain scenes, and inventorying. The steps of analyzing were understanding the whole story by watching the movie; interpreting the data based on related theory; and finally, I present the conclusion and suggestion. Social Psychology is the scientific study of how people think about, influence to, and relate to one another. It focuses on social thinking, social influence, and social relation which point out aggression; attraction and intimacy; and helping. The conclusion of this study reveals hooligans? characteristics are; football club fanaticism, inter-group hostility, superior self-judgement, football game affection, rude behaviors, bravery, solidarity, and anti-journalists. Crimes or violences they commit are gang fight, vandalism, assault, robbery, arson, aggravated assault, and murder and non-negligent manslaughter, and their negative lifestyle are violence lifestyle and drinking lifestyle, while the positive lifestyles are; solidarity, leisure of watching football and willingness to earn money by working. In addition, by studying hooligans? behaviors, we can take a lesson that doing right ways to gain purposes is something should we carry out. Last but not least, this study is expected to give knowledge to the readers about hooligans? life in socio-psychological point of view for their additional reference and more expected that it can help them to review their way of valuing life as social being. Hooligans? behavior is something interested to study, I hope that there will be further study about hooligans? behaviors such as; Comparative Study Between British Hooligans and Indonesian Hooligans; and Aspect of Hooligans? Inter-Group Hostility. 

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Universitas Negeri Semarang