British Social Class in The Early Twentieth Century in D.H Lawrence’s The Virgin And Gipsy
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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Yumini Lusiana, 2250406546
PR English literature 
2011-12-03 01:33:14 
Abstract :
Lusiana, Yumini. 2011. British Social Class in The Early Twentieth Century in D.H Lawrence?s The Virgin And Gipsy Final Project, English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University. Fist advisor is Henrikus Joko Y, S.S.,M.Hum., and seconds advisor is Frimadhona Syafri, S.S.,M.Hum This final project is aimed at analyzing the Concept of British Social Class in The Early Twentieth Century in D.H Lawrence?s The Virgin and Gipsy that was represented in the characters. The objective of the study is based on two main objects. The first is to analyze the social condition of the British society depicted in the novel. The second is to find out the characters response to social class in British society. I used qualitative research as a method of the study because the data were in the forms of sentences, which were analyzed descriptively. The procedure of collecting data involved several steps. First, I read the story for several times to get deep understanding about the topic. Second, while reading, the data related to the problems of the study were identified. After the data were identified they were classified into groups according to the problems of the study. And the last was selecting the data of the novel that were related to this study. The results of the study are the description of the condition of British society in the early twentieth century in which industrialism influenced the social condition of England and the responses of British society toward the social class as one influence of industrialism as reflected in the novel. By studying and analyzing D.H Lawrence?s The Virgin and the Gipsy, I expect the novel has several values to be delivered to students. I also expect the readers not just read the novel but also apply to be good attitude in society and they can respect with another people without seen the social status. 

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Universitas Negeri Semarang