Grammatical Errors on the Use of English Complex Sentences (A Case of the Second Year Students of SMA N 1 Bumiayu Brebes in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)
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Universitas Negeri Semarang
Fera Leuk Mahesa, 2201406045
LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools 
2011-11-26 23:46:02 
Abstract :
Mahesa, Fera Leuk. Grammatical Errors on the Use of English Complex Sentences (A Case of the Second Year Students of SMA N 1 Bumiayu Brebes in the Academic Year of 2009/2010). A Final Project. English Educational Program. Languages and Arts Faculty. Semarang State University. Advisors I. Drs. H. Suprapto, M.Hum., II. Sri Wuli Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Keywords: grammatical, errors, complex sentences, multiple choices This final object about grammatical errors on the use of English complex sentences, it is a case of the second year students of SMA N 1 Bumiayu Brebes. The objectives of the study are to explore the dominant errors in using complex sentences and to find out to what extent the students make errors. Based on the goals of the research, the study was conducted by using descriptive method. The number of population is 305 students. Random sampling technique was used as the sample; the 39 students (13%) out of the population to be sample were taken. A grammar test of multiple choice types was used as an instrument. The test items was then tried out to check the validity, reliability, difficulty level and discriminate level of the test. From the result of the analysis of the try out test, it was found out that there were eighty valid items and all were used as the instrument. Then the instrument was tested to the respondents. The result was interpreted by using criteria (criteria-reference grading) suggested by Tinambunan (1998). There were 3 students getting grade A comprising 7.69%, 11 students getting grade B comprising 28.20%, 19 students getting grade C comprising 48.72%, 4 students getting grade D comprising 10.26%, and 2 students getting grade E comprising 5.10%. On average, the students? achievement was classified into grade C, because the mean of the students? achievement in using complex sentences was 81.54. Related to the test result, the number of the students? errors on tenses (117 or 291.61 %), errors on clause (113 or 32.19 %), errors on punctuations (46 or 16.85 %), errors on conjunctions to express cause (80 or 20.51 %), errors on conjunctions to express contrast (69 or 17.69 %), errors on conjunctions to express condition (78 or 44.73 %), and errors on conjunctions to express identification (157 or 28.75%). Based on the result of the study, on the use of complex sentences by the second year students the conjunctions in expressing condition is the dominant error. To minimize this problem the teacher should be given more explanations and exercises about the material that the students still make errors to decrease the students? errors and to prevent it. And for students should do more practices using English.  

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Universitas Negeri Semarang