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Universitas Negeri Semarang
LINA PUSPITA DEWI , 2201406077
LB2300 Higher Education 
2011-11-27 09:12:13 
Abstract :
Dewi, L. P. 2010. Team Teaching in Teaching Speaking to the Tenth Graders of Randublatung State Senior High School. A final project. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University. First advisor: Dr. Dwi Rukmini, M.Pd. Second advisor: Rohani, S.Pd, M.A. Keywords: Speaking, Team Teaching, Senior High School. In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language not as second language. This situation influences the students? behavior in classroom. Indonesian students tend to be passive in English classes, especially in Speaking class, since the input they get is limited. As a result, the students may eencounter some difficulties to mantain communication and interaction in English. Team teaching is introduced to overcome that problem. It allows for more interaction between teachers and students, so it can improve the students? participation during the class. With more than one teacher in a class, students have more chances to get more attention and more practices. The objectives of this study were: (1) to find the kind of team teaching model applied in teaching speaking to the tenth graders of Randublatung State Senior High School, (2) to describe the application of team teaching in teaching speaking to the tenth graders of Randublatung State Senior High School, and (3) to describe the advantages and challenges of team teaching in teaching speaking to the tenth graders of Randublatung State Senior High School. Observation and interview were done to achieve the objective. The observation was done for a month in XE class. A checklist was used as a guideline in conducting the observation. The interview was done to get the teachers? and students? perception toward team teaching. The checklist and interview results were interpreted to get the description of using team teaching in teaching speaking to the tenth graders. The results showed that the kind of team teaching model applied in teaching speaking to the tenth graders of Randublatung State Senior High School was Traditional Team Teaching. The application of team teaching itself consist of three steps, there were: planning, applying, and evaluating. In the first step, the teachers that would teach using team teaching in certain classes discussed how they will run a team teaching in classes and developed the Lesson Plan together. In applying team teaching to teach speaking, the two teachers did some activities with the students, there were: role-play, group discussion and retelling story. In the last step, the teachers asked the students to perform their ability in speaking either in pairs or individually. In evaluating the students the teachers had five criteria, pronunciation, fluency, grammar, content, and accuracy. Based on the interview result, the teachers? and students? perception toward team teaching is positive. It is because team teaching gives them some advantages. The only one challenge which was found by the teachers related to the references. They did not have any references about team teaching. 

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Universitas Negeri Semarang